Our Services

In person tutoring in the San Dimas area, and remote/online tutoring everywhere!


Consultation happens before any tutoring takes place. The student, family, and tutor get an opportunity to meet each other to discuss goals and the reason for seeking out tutoring.


One-on-one tutoring is our most popular service. This gives us the opportunity to create curated learning environments specific to the student and their needs.

Small Group

Small group tutoring can facilitate an environment more similar to the classroom setting. Students will be in similar content areas and can grow together.

Who we serve

We tutor elementary school, middle school, and high school math through calculus II. We offer both child and adult tutoring. We work with all populations of students including those who are neurodiverse and have learning disabilities, like ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, and dyscalculia.  

For information about rates, please